


  • Leave bandage on at least 2 hours, or up to overnight
  • Remove bandage and wash immediately, do not re-bandage
  • Wash thoroughly with a mild bar soap (avoid scents, exfoliating beads, loofahs, and washcloths)
  • Rinse, wash. repeat. The first wash is sometimes painful, but its the most important
  • Pat dry with clean towel or let air dry
  • Once dry, apply a very SMALL amount of moisturizing ointment.  We recommend Redemption, Aquaphor, or basic white hand lotion
  • Wash again 1-3 times a day. After each wash, apply a small amount of ointment
  • After 3-5 days the tattoo will be flaky and may have scabbing
  • Wash it once a day, and apply lotion 2-3 times a day instead of ointment
  • If it scabs, let the scabs do their thing. Don’t pick, scratch, or bump any scabs
  • After 3-4 weeks, the tattoo should usually be healed




  • Do not submerge in water, no swimming, no baths, no hot-tubs, but showering is okay
  • Do not scratch that itchy tattoo. Instead; try patting it, or washing and reapplying lotion
  • Do not workout if the workout feels like it is pulling on or squeezing the tattoo
  • Do not tan or spray tan
  • Avoid excessive direct sunlight to tattooed area.




  • Although performed in a clean environment with single use and/or sterile equipment, tattoos begin as open wounds and it is possible to get them infected. Not washing your hands all day, and then touching the tattoo, for example, could cause infection. Try to avoid infecting it.
  • In general bacteria enjoys a dark, warm, moist environment. Try not to provide that too much, let your tattoo breathe, and don’t smother it in moisturizers.
  • If you see redness all around the tattoo and it is painful, please stop using any moisturizers, and call us so we can see the tattoo in person.
  • If you see just redness and tightness around a scabby area and but not red around the rest of the tattoo, that is normal, scabs shrink some once formed and can pull on surrounding skin.
  • If black or colored ink is flaking off and the color under the flake is different, that is normal. expect more.
  • If you miss a few chances to wash it or moisturize it, don’t worry, your body is completely capable of healing it without any help at all.

7011 Tree Lane,

Madison WI 53717

(608) 820-1102

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